1.1. OAO “AlfaInsurance”, called hereinafter the "Insurer" on the basis of the present Rules and the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation concludes with legal and capable physical persons (hereinafter the Insurants) insurance contracts for the citizens leaving the borders of constant residence.
1.2. Under the insurance contract concluded on the basis of the present Rules the Insurer undertakes for a payment agreed by the insurance contract (the insurance premium) at approach of the event stipulated in the contract (the insurance case) to make insurance payment according to conditions of the present Rules and the insurance contract.
1.3. Insurants have the right to conclude insurance contracts with the Insurer insurance for the third parties in favor of the latter (hereinafter the Insured persons). If the Insurant being the physical person concluded the contract about insurance of his property interests he is also deemed an Insured person.
Insurants being legal persons conclude insurance contracts with the Insurer for the third parties in favor of the latter, the Insured persons.
1.4. The basic terms and the concepts used in the present Rules:
Insured trip - departure of the Insured beyond the limits of constant residence due to tourist trip, business trip, under the terms of labor contract etc. which has the insurance contract concluded, within the limits of territory and during the validity specified in the insurance contract.
Insurance period - duration of a trip (number of days) covered by the insurance covering (the responsibility of the Insurer).
Physical injury - trauma received by the Insured due to an accident.
Sudden disease - unexpectedly occurred illness that demands urgent medical treatment.
Accident - single sudden physical influence of various external factors (mechanical, thermal, chemical, etc.) on organism of the Insured person, occurred besides will of the Insured person and leading to physical injuries, infringements of physiological functions of organism of the Insured person or his death. Any forms of acute, chronic and hereditary diseases are not considered to be accidents.
Chronic diseases - diseases or physical injuries with at least two of the following characteristics:
- Has no known recognized ways of treatment;
- Can exist during uncertain period of time;
- Has relapses or there is probability of occurrence of relapses;
- Has constant character;
- Demands palliative treatment;
- Demands long-term supervision, consultations, surveys, researches or analyses;
- The Insured should take a rehabilitation course or special training to cope with disease.
Hospital - medical institution, which:
- Works according to the law for maintenance of care and treatment of patients and wounded;
- Has diagnostic and surgical division;
- Provides 24-hour care of qualified nurses;
- Supervised by one or several doctors.
Not considered to be a hospital: obstetrical division, division for recovering or geriatrics division in case when the patient basically keeps bed care and requires care nurses, sanatorium, recovery center, house for aged.
The out-patient medical center - medical institution with license providing out-patient surgical treatment and care.
Existing medical conditions - claims connected directly or indirectly with earlier received diseases which the Insured person suffered within last 24 months are not covered, if not declared at signing of the insurance contract and if the Insurer gave no written approval to accept such insurance risk.
The country of residence - the country or the countries which are primary or secondary permanent address of the Insured person and which are specified in the insurance contract.
The dependent person - lawful spouse of the Insured person (or the partner of the same or opposite sex living with the Insured not less than six consecutive months) with no officially issued divorce with the Insured person, or his/her unmarried children, adopted children, foster children who did not reached 19 years at the date of inclusion of the insurance contract by the Insured person or at the date of subsequent prolongation of the insurance contract (or did not reached 25 years if it can be proved that they receive full-time education), and persons in financial dependence of the Insured.
The chosen country - the country within the territory specified in the insurance contract, preliminary chosen as the country where the Insured person prefers to take the treatment covered by the policy, or chosen by the Insured person later for treatment due to the insurance case. The chosen country should be set by the Insurer as a suitable place for grant of demanded treatment.
Emergency medical transportation or evacuation - necessary charges from the medical point of view on the urgent transportation set by the round-the-clock help center and medical care at transportation of the Insured person in critical condition in the nearest suitable hospital with necessary care conditions that can be outside the country of residence of the Insured.
Physiotherapy - the treatment made by the licensed Physiatrist and recommended by the doctor on the basis of medical conditions in result of insurance case.
Doctor - expert with completed and properly registered medical education not relative of the Insurant (the Insured) and acting within the limits of the license for treatment of consequences of accident.
Medical charges - mean charges on treatment made or ordered by the qualified doctor.
Recipe - the written doctor's instruction on the use of medical preparations.
Carrier - any registered carrier engaged in transportation of passengers overland, by water or by air with license for this type of transportations and making them at regular schedule.
Luggage - personal things of the Insurant (the Insured) transported by him during a trip over the borders of constant residence both handed in luggage of the transport organization and hand luggage.
Service company - specialized organization specified in the insurance contract (insurance policy) of the Insured which on behalf of the Insurer provides round the clock organization of services stipulated by the present Rules.
Urgent message - the first call of the Insurant (the Insured) in the Service company by means of telephone, facsimile or other accessible mean of communication.
Close relatives - father, mother, children (including adopted), lawful spouse, native brothers and sisters.
Insurance territory - territory within the limits of which the Insurer bears obligations on payment of insurance compensation at approach of an insurance case.
2.1. Objects of insurance are the property interests of the Insured leaving the boarders of constant residence in other district (country, republic, territory, area, city, etc.) due to tourist trip, business trip, under the terms of labor contract, etc. for the period not over 1 (one) year, not contradicting to the legislation of the Russian Federation and connected with:
2.1.1. Risk of occurrence of contingencies of the Insured ("Insurance of contingencies");
2.1.2. Risk of charges connected with cancellation of the trip by the Insured or change of terms of his stay outside constant residence ("Insurance of losses of forced refusal from a trip");
2.1.3. Obligation of the Insured to compensate harm caused to lives, health and/or property of the third parties ("Insurance of civil liability of the Insured");
2.1.4. Risk of perish (destruction), loss (disappearance), damage of luggage ("Insurance of luggage").
2.2. Reimbursement of charges of the Insured can be made by payment of the services rendered due to approach of an insurance case directly to the Insurant (the Insured) after his return to the country of constant residing or other organization (hereinafter the Service company), acting as emergency commissioner and paying these charges on place.
3.1. Insurance cases are occurred events stipulated by the insurance contract which at approach cause obligation of the Insurer to fulfill the insurance payments.
3.2. An insurance case under the insurance contract concluded on the basis of the present Rules is:
3.2.1. On insurance of contingencies - an event caused by sudden disease, accident, death of the Insured or any other circumstance/incident in result of which the Insured or the Beneficiary faces a necessity to bear the following contingencies: Medical charges on out-patient and/or hospital treatment; Charges on the emergency dental help:
- At trauma of a tooth in result of accident;
- At acute inflammation of a tooth and tissue surrounding a tooth; Charges on medical transportation; Charges on posthumous repatriation; Transport charges; Charges at loss or stealing of documents; Charges on payment of urgent messages; Charges on reception of legal aid; Charges connected with damage of the personal vehicle in result of accident or breakage and in result of loss (steal, plunder) of the vehicle, except for the territory of the Russian Federation.
3.2.2. On insurance of losses of forced refusal from a trip - the event which caused occurrence of the Insured's charges, connected with cancellation of a trip or change of terms of his stay outside the constant residence. Such events are as the following events which occurred after coming of the insurance contract into force and confirmed by documents issued by competent bodies:
- Death, sudden decay of health (hospitalization) of the Insured or his close relative, arisen not earlier than 15 days prior to beginning of a trip and interfering fulfillment of prospective trip;
- Death, sudden decay of health (hospitalization) of the spouse of the Insured or his (her) close relative, interfering fulfillment of a prospective trip and arisen not earlier than 15 days prior to the beginning of a trip;
- The traumas of any complexity of the Insured in result of accident not earlier than 15 days prior to the beginning of a trip but only in case there are medical contra-indications to the planned trip;
- Infectious diseases of the Insured that appeared not earlier than 15 days prior to the beginning of a trip;
- Damage or destruction of property of the Insured (except for a vehicle) arisen not earlier than 15 days prior to the beginning of a trip in result of:
- Fire (fire is understood as occurrence of fire capable to extend independently outside the places specially intended for its lightning and keeping);
- Acts of nature (earthquake, landslip, storm, hurricane, flooding, inundation, hail or downpour);
- Flooding from water, sewer, heating systems;
- Illegal actions of the third parties;
provided that the caused damage is significant (destruction of over 70% of property) and essentially influences financial position of the Insured, or in cases when the establishment of the fact of damage requires presence of the Insured;
- A proceeding during the insurance period where the Insured participates under the decision of court accepted after coming of the insurance contract into force;
- Draft of the Insured to active military service or to military gathering after coming of the insurance contract into force;
- Failure to receive a visa at duly submission of all necessary documents on registration according to requirements of consulate of the country of destination provided that the authorized agent (broker) of the Insurer informed the Insured in advance about known motives of refusal which have place in a consular practice of the country of destination;
- Preschedule return of the Insured from the travel caused by illness and/or death of close relatives;
- Delay of return of the Insured from travel after the end of term of trip caused by death, accident or illness of spouse or close relatives traveling with him;
3.2.3. On insurance of civil liability of the Insured - the duty of the Insured to compensate the harm caused to lives, health and/or property of the third parties according to the legislation of territories of insurance at residing of the Insured outside his constant residence. Thus the duty of the Insurer on payment of the insurance compensation (coverage) occurs only in case of inadvertent harm made by the Insured to the third parties on territory stipulated in the insurance contract and during term of his stay outside his constant residence(stipulated in the insurance contract), and which caused:
- death, disability, mutilation of the third parties (physical damage);
- destruction or damage of the property belonging the third parties (property damage).
The case is being insurance if the fact of damage and/or harm is confirmed by valid decision of judicial bodies or recognition of the Insured with written approval of the Insurer of the proved property claim about compensation of harm caused to lives and health or property of the third parties.
3.2.4. On insurance of luggage - event which caused full destruction, partial damage, loss of luggage of the Insured and caused by:
- Acts of nature: storms, hails, flooding, hurricane, landslip, etc.;
- Fire, impact of lightning, explosion, measures of fire extinguishing;
- Thefts, pillage, robbery;
- Road and transport incident or accident with the Insured;
- Deliberate damage of luggage by the third parties.
3.3. The exact list of insurance cases when the Insurer is obliged to pay the insurance compensation to the Insurant is determined in the insurance contract.
3.4. The Insurer has the right to develop special programs of insurance according to territory of insurance, set of insurance risks, amount of insurance sum, validity of the contract and other criteria, on conditions specified in Appendix 1 to the present Rules. In this case the insurance contract at definition of insurance risk can specify the corresponding program of insurance and a code of territory in the territory of insurance.
The territory of insurance is set in the insurance contract.
4.1. At occurrence of an insurance case on insurance of contingencies the Insurer compensates:
4.1.1. Medical charges on out-patient and/or hospital treatment which include: Charges on carrying out of operations; Charges on carrying out of diagnostic researches; Charges on payment of medical services, including out-patient treatment; Charges on services of local service of first aid; Charges on payment of the medicines and dressing means prescribed by a doctor; Charges on payment of the means of fixing prescribed by a doctor (at this the Insurer pay for paid both purchase and hire of means of fixing). To means of fixing within the limits of the present Rules include in particular crutches, special footwear for walking, invalid wheelchairs and other orthopedic equipment; Charges on stay of the Insurant (the Insured) in a hospital; Post-stationary home nursing of the Insured in home within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract; Antenatal and postnatal conducting within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract, but not later than the term of the contract; Charges on acceptance of normal birth within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract, but not later than the term of the contract; Medical charges at complication during pregnancy and/or birth within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract, but not later than the term of the contract; If the Insured is a child in the age under 16 years which needs hospitalization, the Insurer pays daily residing of one parent at the same hospital during all period of stay of the insured the child in hospital. If an accident/physical injury or illness lead to chronic disease, all covering is limited by the insurance sum set in the insurance contract for each chronic disease for each term of insurance concerning all necessary and comprehensible charges. Other medical charges which include:
- Charges on annual check of sight and charges on purchase of glasses or contact lenses within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract;
- Charges on carrying out of one annual dental check and treatment and prosthetics within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract;
- Charges on carrying out of annual check of hearing and charges on purchase of hearing aid within the limits of the sum set in the insurance contract.
All conducted medical actions should be expedient, proved by the attending physician and coordinated with the Insurer.
4.1.2. The Insurer compensates charges on emergency dental help within the limits of a limit of compensation set in the insurance contract, namely: Charges connected with soothing treatment of natural tooth at trauma of a tooth in result of an accident; Charges connected with soothing treatment of a natural tooth and sealing connected with it at acute inflammation of a tooth and surrounding tissue;
4.1.3. Charges on medical transportation which include: Charges on search, rescue and transportation (transportation by a "first aid" vehicle or other vehicle) from a place of incident to the nearest medical institution or to a doctor being in immediate proximity in the country or a place of temporal stay; After the end of treatment of the Insured person in hospital that was the reason of emergency transportation or evacuation, and in three days after the Expert doctor of the Insurer declares that condition of the Insured allows to transport him to another place, the Insurer undertakes to organize and pay all the necessary expenses connected with transportation of the Insured person to the nearest place in the country of residence (or in the hospital near to his place of residing) by plane in the same class if the Insured person traveled by plane, or by train in the first class or in economy/tourist class by plane if the Insured person initially traveled by other means of transport instead of a plane. The insurer undertakes to organize and pay medical support of the Insured person if there are the medical conditions set by the Expert doctor of the Insurer for it. If necessary the Insurer undertakes to organize and to pay all necessary travel expenses of the accompanying person which was near to the Insured during emergency medical transportation or evacuation to the nearest place of residing in the country of residence within the limits set in the insurance contract. Charges on emergency medical repatriation by adequate vehicle including charges on accompanying person (if such support is prescribed by the doctor) from the place of stay of the Insured to the place of his constant residence or to the nearest medical institution at residence under condition if there are no opportunities to grant demanded medical aid in the place of temporal stay. Emergency medical repatriation is carried out exclusively in cases when its necessity is proved by conclusion of the doctor of the Insurer on the basis of documents from the local attending physician and under condition of absence of medical contra-indications. Charges on emergency medical repatriation are covered within the limits of sum stipulated in the insurance contract; Charges on medical repatriation of the Insured from place of temporal stay to the place of his constant residence or to the nearest medical institution at the residence in case when charges on stay in a hospital can exceed the limit of compensation set in the insurance contract or when medical treatment abroad considerably exceeds charges on emergency medical repatriation. Medical repatriation is made only at absence of medical contra-indications. Charges on medical repatriation are covered within the limits stipulated in the insurance contract; Charges on medical repatriation if the Insured person needs to receive scheduled medical intervention; The insurer will organize and pay transportation of the Insured person by regular or charter flight (with medical support if necessary) in the country chosen by the Insured and specified in the insurance contract as soon as state of health of the Insured person will allow it and provided that:
- The chosen country has a corresponding hospital ready to accept the Insured person.
- The expert doctor of the Insurer considers that transportation carries no additional risk and cannot lead to deterioration of health of the Insured.
- The expert doctor of the Insurer considers that such transportation can be done safely on regular or charter flight.
- The airline accepts the Insured person as a passenger.
- The organized flight will be made in acceptable time considering state of health of the Insured. After end of treatment of the Insured person and within three days after the Expert doctor’s decision of the Insurer that the Insured person is ready to transportation, the Insurer undertakes to organize and pay return of the Insured home in the country of residence by train in the first class or by plane in economy class/tourist. The insurer undertakes to organize and pay medical support of the Insured if there are medical conditions found by the Expert doctor of the Insurer for it.
4.1.4. Charges on posthumous repatriation of body The charges authorized by the Service company (service center) to permanent address of the Insured if his death occurred in result of an insurance case. Charges on posthumous repatriation are covered within the limits stipulated in the insurance contract. Thus the Insurer does not pay charges on ritual services at permanent address of the Insured. The insurer also undertakes to organize and pay additional both way travel expenses of the third party (first class by train or economy class/tourist by plane) to accompany the coffin with the Insured and/or visiting of funeral if it is stipulated by the insurance contract. Indemnification of the charges authorized by the Service company (service center) and connected with payment of the ritual services (payment for coffin, cremation, local burial place), including at the place of constant residence of the Insured within the limits set in the insurance contract.
4.1.5. Transport charges which include: Charges of the Insured on travel to the place of constant residing economy class one way, including transfer to the airport in case if departure of the Insured occurred not in time, i.e. not in the day specified in travel papers on hands of the Insured, due to the insurance case which entailed forced hospitalization of the Insured. The Insured is obliged to make his best to return unused travel papers and compensate their cost to the Insurer. At failure to fulfill this condition the Insurer has the right to deduct cost of unused travel papers from the sum of reimbursement of the Insured; Charges on residing of full age third party which stays together with the Insured outside the constant residence if departure of the Insured did not take place in time, i.e. in the day specified in the travel papers on hands of the Insured due to the insurance case which entailed necessity forced hospitalization of the Insured. The Insured and the full age third party which stays together with the Insured outside the constant residence, are obliged to make their best to return unused travel papers and compensate their cost to the Insurer. Thus charges on stay of the full age third party outside the constant residence are covered by the Insurer within the limits of the term specified in the insurance contract but no more than for 10 nights and the sum of charges cannot exceed equivalent of 100 US dollars a night. Payment for organization the necessary travel expenses of the full age third party (a relative or a friend) specified in the contract, traveling together with the Insured person for support of the Insured during transportation. Thus charges on residing of the full age third party with the Insured person during hospitalization of the Insured are covered by the Insurer within the limits of 100 US dollars a night but no more than for 10 nights. Charges on organization and payment of one two way ticket (first class by train or economy class by plane) for travel of the full age third party specified by the Insured person in the insurance contract to location of the latter in result of emergency transportation or evacuation provided that the person accompanying the Insured is absent and provided that the Insured person is hospitalized more than 400 km (250 miles) from the place of residence of the Insured person specified in the insurance contract. Thus the Insurer undertakes to pay necessary daily residing of the full age person specified in the insurance contract by the Insured person for period of stay of the Insured in hospital within the limits of 100 US dollars a night, but no more than 10 nights. Charges on one way travel economy class for children who are being with the Insured during stay outside the constant residence, to the place of their constant residing in case if the children without supervision in result of an insurance case with the Insured, and payment of travel expenses of one adult accompanying the child or children. If the Insured cannot name such person the Insurer will organize and pay adequate accompaniment. If in result of an insurance case with the Insured his children are left at home without supervision (starting with date of his planned return home if the insurance case with of the Insured person had not taken place) the Insurer undertakes to pay transportation of the child or children in a place specified by the Insured person within the limits of Insurance territory by train or economy class by plane; or the Insurer can organize and pay one return ticket (first class by train or economy class/tourist by plane) for the person specified by the Insured so that the given person could come home to the Insured and provide care for his child/children. In any case the Insurer incurs payment of travel expenses of one adult accompanying the child or children. If the Insured cannot name such person, the Insurer will organize and pay adequate accompaniment. Charges on preschedule return of the Insured to the place of constant residing in case of sudden or unforeseen death of his close relative under condition of return of unused return ticket by the Insured to the Insurer. Charges on organization and payment of trip of the Insured to the place of constant residing and his return (term return) in case of unexpected death of close relative of the Insured. This service is given for the citizens being outside the country of constant residing for more than 6 months. Charges on two way travel economy class (from the place of constant residing and back) of the full age third party if term of hospitalization of the Insured traveling alone exceeded 10 (ten) days. Charges connected with delay of a regular flight for more than 4 hours for each hour of flight delay after first 4 hours but no more than for 12 hours, according to the sum set in rules of the international air transportations.
4.1.6. Charges at loss or stealing of documents; The insurer pays charges on search and registration of duplicates of the lost documents (passport with visa, travel papers) within the limits of the sums specified in the insurance contract.
4.1.7. Charges on payment of the urgent messages connected with approach of an insurance case, within the limits of compensation set by the insurance contract. The payment of expenses is affected on the basis of the documents confirming such charges and their amount.
4.1.8. Charges on reception of legal aid: The insurer pays charges on the organization and payment of the first legal consultation to the Insured in case if the latter is persecuted according to the civil legislation of host country in result of the Insured’s unintentional damage to the third party, unintentional infringement of statutory acts of host country except damage and infringements connected with use, possession and storage of vehicles.
4.1.9. Charges connected with damage of the personal vehicle in result of accident or breakage, as well as in result of loss (stealing, plunder) of the vehicle: In case of loss or damage (breakage or accident) of the personal vehicle of the Insured, the Insurer will provide the organization and payment of transport for delivery of all passengers, including the driver, to the place of residing in a host country. Insurance payment cannot exceed sum specified in the insurance contract. In case of damage of personal vehicle of the Insured the Insurer will direct a service brigade to the place of breakage and will carry out repair or towage (evacuation) of a vehicle. Insurance payment is limited to the sum set in the insurance contract, but not higher than equivalent of 300 US dollars in the Russian Rubles. The insurer will organize and will pay charges on evacuation of vehicle of the Insured in the country of constant residing of the Insured in following cases:
- After repair of a vehicle due to his damage (breakage or accident) if according to experts the repair will take more than 10 days, and time of stay of the Insurant (of the Insured) in the territory of this country turns to be less than 10 (ten) days;
- Or, if vehicle of the Insured was lost and was found after departure of the Insured to the constant residence.
The general responsibility of the Insurer is limited to residual cost of the car, but not exceeding the sum set in the insurance contract. The insurer will organize and will pay charges on return of the Insured in the country of constant residing (by plane in economy class, by train in compartment or by bus) in case if personal vehicle of the Insured remains faulty by end of travel or business trip. Such charges are compensated by the Insurer within the limits of sums set in the insurance contract.
4.2. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of losses of forced refusal from a trip the Insurer refunds:
4.2.1. At indemnification of losses due to unilateral refusal of the Insured of the contract, concluded with travel agency for arrangement of trip of the Insured beyond the limits of a constant residence caused by the reasons: Stipulated in cl.3.2.2.a., b., e., g. and connected with cancellation of travel papers, refusal of reserved room in a hotel etc., paid under the tourist services contract, not subject to compensation or subject to partial compensation under the contract with travel agency and confirmed by corresponding documents of the transport company, consulate, hotel, etc.; Stipulated in cl.3.2.2.c.,d. and connected with cancellation of travel papers, refusal of reserved room in a hotel etc., paid under the contract of tourist services, not subject to compensation or subject to partial compensation under the contract with travel agency and confirmed by corresponding documents of the transport company, consulate, hotel, etc. Such charges are subject to compensation directly to the Insured if his is a full age person. If the Insured is minor charges of one full age person accompanying him in the trip are also subject to compensation. For reasons stipulated in cl. 3.2.2.h. the Insurer refunds charges connected with payment of consular gathering of the embassy of the state of destination, and additional charges connected with purchase of air tickets and payment for hotel accommodation proved by corresponding documents.
4.2.2. Additional charges born by the Insured at his preschedule or temporal return from travel, caused by reasons stipulated in cl.3.2.2.i. within the limits of insurance contract of the insurance sum. Refunded charges are ones on purchase of tickets of tourist class, transfer of single urgent message (phone, fax, telegram), and cost of hotel accommodation for unused part of term of stay outside a constant residence under the contract with a travel company confirmed by travel agency organizer of the trip. Charges on purchase of travel papers are compensated only provided that the initial ticket is not subject to replacement. At renewal of travel papers the Insurer compensates documentary confirmed charges connected with renewal of travel papers;
4.2.3. The documentary confirmed charges additional born by the Insured in result of delay of his return after the end of term a trip, caused by the reasons stipulated in cl.3.2.2.j. within the limits of the insurance sum set in the insurance contract. Refunded charges are residing of the Insured in a hotel of a category no more than 3 stars for no more than 5 (five) days, purchase of tickets of tourist class, transfer of a single urgent message (phone, fax, telegram). Charges on purchase of travel papers are compensated only provided that the initial ticket is not subject to replacement. At renewal of travel papers the Insurer compensates documentary confirmed charges connected with renewal of travel papers.
4.3. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of civil liability of the Insured the Insurer compensates:
4.3.1. Direct real property harm, caused to the third party in result of damage (destruction), loss of property belonging to the third party as property (or on the basis of lawful documentary confirmed legal obligations) within the limits of valid cost of property or cost of its restoration (repair);
4.3.2. Physical harm caused to the third party, within the limits of:
- Amount of charges on medical treatment and/or subsequent rehabilitation restoration;
- Amount of part of earnings lost by dependent person of the suffered person in case of his death - in case of death of the victim;
- Amount of born ritual charges in case of death of the victim.
4.3.3. Necessary and expedient charges on rescue of life and property of persons harmed in result of an insurance case or on reduction of the damage caused by an insurance case;
4.3.4. If it is stipulated in the insurance contract:
- Expedient charges on preliminary investigation of circumstances of occurrence of an insurance case and part of guilt of the Insured person;
- Charges on conducting of proceedings in judicial bodies in prospective cases of causing of harm.
In any case amount of compensation at approach of the insurance case stipulated by cl. 4.3. of the present Rules cannot exceed a limit of compensation of the Insurer by amount of such charges set in the insurance contract.
4.4. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of luggage the Insurer compensates:
- At the full destruction, full or partial loss of luggage -at the rate of its valid cost minus residual cost of the damaged luggage, but not exceeding the insurance sum specified in the insurance contract;
- At partial damage of luggage - at the rate of repair charges.
The full destruction of luggage takes place if repair charges including deterioration together with residual cost exceed the valid cost of luggage. The luggage of the Insured is considered damaged if repair charges together with residual cost do not exceed the valid cost of the intact luggage. The insurer also refunds charges on search, examination, storage and transfer of found things and on rescue and putting insured property in order. Indirect charges (hotel accommodation, transport charges and so forth) are not subject to compensation.
4.4.1. Action of the insurance contract extends on all luggage of the Insurant excluding the following subjects:
- Cash in Russian and foreign currency, securities, discount and bank cards;
- Jewellery of precious metals, precious and semiprecious stones and precious metals in ingots, unframed precious and semiprecious stones;
- Fur products (from natural and artificial fur);
- Antiquarian and unique products, works of art and subjects of collections;
- Travel papers, passport and any kinds of documents, slides, pictures, copies;
- Manuscripts, plans, schemes, drawings, models, accounting and official papers;
- Any kinds of artificial limbs;
- Contact lenses;
- Animals, plants and seeds;
- Means of auto, moto and cycling ransport, air and water automobiles and spare parts to them;
- Subjects of religious cult;
- Sports inventory, full destruction or damage of which occurred during sport training or competitions.
4.4.2. Insurance covering extends on portable audio, photo, cinema and video equipment, computing and program systems, typewriters, etc. and any accessories to them only in the event that these subjects were earlier declared at the customs control and under the following conditions: The insurant treats them with due thrift and uses them only on direct destination; The Insurant takes all necessary measures to maintenance of their integrity and safety; These objects are stored in safes, left-luggage offices or other places specially designed for it; These objects are stored in reliably closed rooms of buildings, cabins of passenger vessels and protected wardrobes.
4.4.3. At theft of luggage from the car insurance compensation is paid at presence of the documents confirming, that: Theft occurred in daytime (6.00 to 22.00); The stolen things were in the closed luggage compartment of the car left on parking place with check point. In this case the insurance covering does not extend on fur products, ornamentals (made of precious metals, precious and semiprecious stones), portable audio, photo, cinema and video equipment, computing and program systems, typewriters, etc. and any accessories to them; Theft occurred during a stop for no more than three hours and corresponding law enforcement bodies recorded the fact of car break-in.
4.4.4. Under the special agreement of the Parties the insurance covering can extend to insurance cases which occurred during storage of luggage under supervision of the Insurant, in luggage space of transport service, left-luggage office, protected wardrobe and at using services of officially given porter.
In case if the luggage of the Insurant (of the Insured) was lost during the Insurant's (the Insured's) use of the regular trip plane, the Insurer pays the monetary compensation equal to amount which the airline is obliged to pay according to Rules of transportation of passengers and luggage, but no more than amount set in the insurance contract. Thus the Insurant (the Insured) waives the right of reception of luggage or corresponding compensation from the carrier in favor of the Insurer. In case of finding of the lost luggage after reception of monetary compensation by the Insurant (the Insured), the Insurant (the Insured) has the right to receive the luggage only after return of the mentioned compensation to the Insurer.
5.1. The insurer in any case bears no responsibility in cases which resulted in:
5.1.1. Influences of nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive pollution;
5.1.2. Military actions and maneuvers or other military actions and their consequences;
5.1.3. Civil war, national disorders of any sort or strikes and their consequences unless other is stipulated in the contract;
5.1.4. Withdrawals, confiscations, nationalization, requisition, arrest or destruction of the insured property under the order of the state bodies and other similar measures of political character undertaken under the order of military or civil authorities and political organizations;
5.1.5. Intention or rough negligence of the Insurant, of the Insured, of the Beneficiary;
5.1.6. Receptions of traumas or diseases caused by criminal or illegal actions of the Insurant or the Insured.
5.2. The moral harm is not subject to compensation under the insurance contract concluded according to the presents to Rules.
5.3. The losses suffered by the Insurant in result of an insurance case occurred during validity of the insurance contract, but the reason of approach of which appeared before introduction of the insurance contract, are not covered by the insurance contract.
5.4. The insurer does not compensate the Insurant the losses which are caused, forced or extended directly or indirectly in result of: act of terrorism and/or terrorism, despite any other simultaneous applicable circumstances or events; actions on control, prevention, suppression or any other actions concerning act of terrorism and/or terrorism; acts of violence or acts dangerous to human life, material and non-material property with purpose or desire to influence any government or with purpose of intimidation of population or any strata.
5.5. The insurer does not compensate any charges which are not separately stipulated in the insurance contract.
5.6. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of contingencies the Insurer does not compensate:
5.6.1. Charges connected with treatment of diseases, known by the moment of conclusion of the insurance contract, chronic diseases and aggravations irrespective of whether treatment was carried out or not. The insurer has the right complement the insurance cover the charges connected with treatment of aggravations of chronic diseases, known by the moment of the conclusion of the insurance contract and having threat to life if these diseases were not treated for the last half a year by the moment of conclusion of the insurance contract according to the out-patient card of the Insured, on condition of notice in the insurance contract and payment (at increase of the tariff three, five and seven times for persons in the age under 40, under 60 and over 60 years accordingly).
5.6.2. Charges connected with treatment of consequences of accidents, occurred before the insured trip of the Insurant (of the Insured).
5.6.3. Charges connected with treatment of nervous, mental diseases if the contract does not stipulate other and attempt of suicide.
5.6.4. Charges on evacuation/repatriation in case of insignificant illnesses or traumas which by opinion of the medical adviser appointed by the Insurer can be treated locally and do not prevent continuation of the Insurant's (the Insured's) travel.
5.6.5. Charges concerning any evacuation and/or repatriation which were not organized by the Insurer or the Service company, and the charges which resulted due to the Insured's voluntary refusal of evacuation to his constant residence.
5.6.6. Charges on organization of scheduled transportation if decision of the Insured person about transportation to the country chosen by the Insured will lead to essential delay of emergency transportation or evacuation
5.6.7. Shipping charges in the country chosen by the Insured not approved by the Expert doctor of the Insurer for any reason;
5.6.8. Any charges connected with care for a child without accompanying persons within the limits of cl. in case of scheduled medical intervention which is not connected with emergency medical transportation or evacuation of the Insured;
5.6.9. Any charges connected with subsequent relocation due to the same insurance case after return of the Insured person to his place of residing;
5.6.10. Any additional transport charges according to cl., suffered by the full age third party specified in the insurance contract if it is further required to organize transportation of the Insured person to other hospital to the same country.
5.6.11. Charges connected with plastic and regenerative surgery and any sort of prosthetics, including dental and eye prosthetics.
5.6.12. Charges connected with grant of services not necessary from the medical point of view or with treatment which was not prescribed by the doctor.
5.6.13. Charges connected with any claims arisen during a trip, undertaken despite of medical contra-indications.
5.6.14. Charges connected with treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction and other abusing/dependences or other condition connected with addictions or with treatment of unhealthy conditions caused by reception of narcotic, toxic substances, alcohol and treatment of traumas received by the Insurant (by the Insured) being under influence of the above-stated substances at reception of a trauma.
5.6.15. Charges connected with interruption of pregnancy, except for abortions, extrauterine pregnancy and stillbirth.
5.6.16. Charges on operation on caesarean section in the scheduled order not approved by the experts of the Insurer as necessary and subsequent treatment after such birth.
5.6.17. Charges on prepatrimonial actions; obstetrical charges not directly connected with birth.
5.6.18. Charges due to sequelae during or in result of scheduled in-home birth.
5.6.19. Charges connected with pregnancy, birth, induced abortion except for cases of sudden sequelae menacing life or documentary confirmed accident (however in all cases term of pregnancy should not exceed 8 weeks) unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract. Charges connected with treatment of traumas, diseases caused by direct or indirect influence of radiation of any sort, including solar if other is not stipulated in the contract.
5.6.21. Charges connected with purchase of glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, artificial limbs and charges on all kinds of prosthetics unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract.
5.6.22. Charges connected with treatment in sanatoria and dispensaries, with accommodation and treatment in houses of invalids, water, spa and natural clinics, sanatoria or similar institutions or hospitals, residing in which actually became the house for the Insured person or constant place of residing and stay of the Insured in these institution is in full or partly caused by the family reasons.
5.6.23. The Charges connected with contraception, sterilization (or opposite procedure), fertilization, deferentectomy, venereal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, change of sex or other conditions of sexual character, infertility or state of health connected with it or other forms of artificial reproduction. Charges on care or treatment connected with immunodeficiency virus or HIV-diseases, including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related complex and other similar infections, diseases, damages or indications resulting from these conditions irrespective of reason that caused them.
5.6.24 Charges connected with carrying out of any preventive inspection, general medical surveys, inoculations unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract.
5.6.25. Charges connected with cosmetic or plastic surgery, acupuncture and physiotherapy unless other is not stipulated in the insurance contract.
5.6.26. Charges connected with rendering of dental help unless other is stipulated in the contract, except for emergency dental help if it is stipulated by the insurance contract.
5.6.27. Charges connected with treatment of traumas and diseases caused by any sports (professional or amateur) unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract, that should be reflected in the insurance contract and leads to double increase of tariff.
5.6.28. Charges connected with treatment of traumas and diseases caused by aviasports, flight on flying device, their piloting (except for cases of flight as the passenger by plane of civil aircraft operated by professional pilot), flight on engineless flying devices, motor gliders, superlight flying devices, parachute jumps, mountaineering, moto and auto racing, diving on depth over 30 meters or without certificate of diver association, any kinds of sports connected with animals and other dangerous kinds of sports unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract that should be reflected in the insurance contract and leads to increase of tariff five times.
5.6.29. Charges connected with treatment of traumas and diseases caused by participation in officially lead sports competitions unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract that should be reflected in the insurance contract and leads to increase of tariff three times.
5.6.30. Any charges connected with search and rescue actions for location of the Insured in mountains, sea, desert, jungle or other removed areas, including charges on avia and sea search and evacuation on coast from a vessel or from the sea.
5.6.31. Charges connected with inspection and treatment of diseases by non-scientifically recognized methods and charges on purchase of not certificated medical products.
5.6.32. Charges connected with treatment of diseases and traumas caused by criminal or illegal actions of the Insurant, the Insured or the Beneficiary.
5.6.33. Charges connected with treatment of traumas and diseases received in motor transportation accident, if:
- The Insured drove an automobile without a driving license or was in condition of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication.
- The Insured gave control to a person without a driving license.
- The Insured was in a vehicle (as the passenger) driven by a person in condition of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, except for public transport.
5.6.34. Charges connected with the Insured's infringement of rules of preventive maintenance of diseases endemic for the country of temporal stay about which he was informed as well as failure to follow doctor's instructions.
5.6.35. Charges connected with convulsive attacks at epilepsies.
5.6.36. Charges connected with medical manipulations - iatrogenic damages.
5.6.37. Charges connected with infringement of safety precautions at performance of hired work.
5.6.38. Charges connected with rendering of services by medical institution (doctor) without corresponding license or suspended license.
5.6.39. Charges on purchase of medical products if prescribed, which structure is not revealed by the composer and charges connected with purchase of foodstuff, antasthenics, slimming aids and laxatives given under recipe, cosmetic means, mineral water and additives to bath water.
5.6.40. Charges connected with artificial insemination, treatment of sterility and charges of contraception.
5.6.41. Charges connected with carrying out regenerative, medical or physiotherapy unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract, balneotherapy and heliotherapy.
5.6.42. Charges connected with treatment of ontological diseases including new-onset.
5.6.43. Charges caused by deterioration of state of health connected with treatment which the Insured took before beginning of insurance and in case if the trip was counter-indicated to the Insured for state of health.
5.6.44. Charges on hospitalization not authorized by the Insurer.
5.7. The following charges are not admitted insurance cases and are not covered by the present insurance: connected with loss or damage of the personal vehicle in result of accident or breakage of the vehicle:
5.7.1. Charges connected with breakage or loss of a vehicle older than 5 years and damage in accident of a vehicle older than 10 years.
5.7.2. Charges connected with damage of a vehicle allowed maximal weight of which exceeds 3.5 tons;
5.7.3. Charges connected with indemnification of civil liability of owners of vehicles;
5.7.4. Charges connected with breakage and/or accident of a vehicle transporting passengers for payment with license or without it.
5.7.5. Charges not negotiated with the Insurer.
5.8. The following charges on posthumous repatriation of body are not admitted insurance cases and are not covered by the present insurance:
5.8.1. Charges at symptoms of nervous or mental diseases, and due to suicide, attempt of suicide, deliberate self-maiming;
5.8.2. Charges at reception of narcotic, toxic, strong substances, alcoholic drinks, and due to treatment of traumas at reception of which the Insured was under influence of the above-stated substances;
5.8.3. Charges due to venereal diseases and AIDS;
5.8.4 Charges due to deliberate (scheduled) medical treatment abroad;
5.8.5. Charges due to aviasports, parachute jumps, mountaineering, moto and auto racing and other dangerous kinds of sports unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract (insurance policy);
5.8.6. Charges due to participation in officially carried sports competitions unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract that should be reflected in the insurance contract and leads to increase of tariff three times;
5.8.7. Charges due to participation in civil wars, national excitements, military operations, mutiny, revolts.
5.8.8. Charges due to treatment of diseases by not scientifically recognized methods and acceptance of not certificated medical products;
5.8.9. Charges connected with consequences of ontological diseases.
5.9. At approach of insurance case on insurance of losses of forced refusal from a trip the insurance does not cover losses which occurred due to:
5.9.1. Alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication of the Insured;
5.9.2. Fulfillment of deliberate actions of the Insured or the Beneficiary directed on approach of an insurance case;
5.9.3. Suicide (attempt of suicide) of the Insured or his close relatives;
5.9.4. Acts of nature and their consequences, epidemics, quarantine, methodological conditions. The present exception does not concern cases stipulated in cl. 3.2.2.c. of the present Rules;
5.9.5. Acts of any authorities and governments except cases listed in cl. 3.2.2.d. and e.;
5.9.6. Non receipt of the entry visa if the Insured had recorded cases of refusal in reception of a visa or infringement of visa restrictions and there were cases of attraction to criminal, administrative or any other responsibility in the territory of host country.
5.9.7. The Insured's fulfillment of illegal action which have direct cause and effect relationship with approach of an insurance case;
5.9.8. Flight of the Insured before the beginning of a trip on a flying device of any sort, including engineless, except for cases of flight as the passenger by plane of civil aircraft operated by the professional pilot;
5.9.9. Parachute jumps before the beginning of a trip;
5.10. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of civil liability of the Insured the insurance does not cover the damage caused in result of:
5.10.1. Fulfillment of professional (labor) activity of the Insurant (the Insured) under a agreement or a contract;
5.10.2. Infliction of moral harm;
5.10.3. Indirect losses including missed benefit;
5.10.4. Responsibility arising from the Insured's use or operation of auto, moto, avia and water vehicles;
5.10.5. Responsibility of any sort arising directly or indirectly or partially in result of pollution of atmosphere, water or ground;
5.10.6. Damage or harm inflicted by actions or inactivity of the Insured in condition of alcoholic, toxic or narcotic intoxication or their consequences;
5.10.7. Fulfillment by the Insurant, the Insured, the Beneficiary any deliberate action or crime which are in direct causal relationship with an insurance case.
5.10.8. Certain family relations of the Insured person in relation to members of his family.
5.10.9. Damages or losses of the property belonging the Insured by proxy or transferred to him on care or in management for carrying out of any trading, professional or business activity.
5.11. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of luggage the Insurer does not make payment of insurance compensation if an insurance case occurred due to:
5.11.1. Alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication of the Insured;
5.11.2. Suicide (attempt of suicide) of the Insured;
5.11.3. Deterioration, rust, mould, discoloration and other natural changes of properties of insured property;
5.11.4. Damage of property by insects or rodents;
5.11.5. Scratches, peeling of painting, other changes of appearance of property not causing infringement of its functions;
5.11.6. Non-acceptance of duly measures to rescue of insured property by the Insured;
5.11.7. Damage of luggage sent separately or by mail.
6.1. The insurance sum is the sum of money set by the insurance contract within the limits of which the Insurer bears responsibility for performance of obligations under the insurance contract and which is used to define amount of insurance payment and insurance compensation.
6.2. At insurance of luggage the insurance sum should not exceed the valid cost of the insured property. Such cost is the valid cost of property in place of its location in day of conclusion of the insurance contract. The valid cost is determined according to the sum necessary to purchase an item completely similar to the lost minus deterioration. For fur products, jewellery (products from precious metals, precious semiprecious stones) the valid cost is determined by estimation according to prices of items of similar type and quality usually set in commission trade.
6.3. At insurance of contingencies the insurance sum is determined under the agreement of parties in view of prices applicable on medical services, including dental, medical transportation, repatriation, etc. in district of destination of the Insured.
6.4. At conclusion of the insurance contract concerning charges on payment of urgent messages the insurance sum is determined under the agreement of parties proceeding from the cost of sending of such messages in district of destination of the Insured.
6.5. At conclusion of the insurance contract concerning charges on reception of legal aid the insurance sum is determined under the agreement of parties proceeding from cost of rendering of legal services in district of destination of the Insured.
6.6. At conclusion of the insurance contract concerning charges connected with loss or damage of the personal vehicle in result of accident or breakage of the vehicle the insurance sum is set under the agreement of parties proceeding from cost of delivery of passengers, including driver, to the place of residing in the host country and cost of repair and delivery of a vehicle to the place of repair, cost of tickets for return of the Insured to his permanent address and cost of other services necessary at loss, damage and/or accident of a vehicle.
6.7. At conclusion of the insurance contract concerning losses from forced refusal from a trip the insurance sum is set under the agreement of parties proceeding from amount of expenses which the Insured made for organization of a trip (purchase of tourist ticket etc.), and costs of tickets (aviation, railway, etc.) necessary for return of the Insured to the place of constant residing.
6.8. At conclusion of the insurance contract concerning insurance of civil liability the insurance sum is set under the agreement of parties.
6.9. At conclusion of the insurance contract the parties can set the limit of insurance payments in one insurance case, for one insurance risk, etc. (limits of compensation). Insurance payment under no conditions can exceed the corresponding limits of compensation set in the contract.
6.10. If charges on treatment or other charges exceed in general the insurance sum (limit of compensation) set under the insurance contract, the share of charges exceeding the insurance sum is deducted from the Insurant (the Insured).
6.11. At conclusion of the insurance contract the parties can provide own participation of the Insurant in payment of losses (franchise) both in general on a package of risks, and on the certain risks. The franchise as a rule is set as a firm sum of money or in percentage to the insurance sum.
7.1. The insurance premium is the payment for insurance which the Insurant is obliged to pay to the Insurer according to the insurance contract.
7.2. At definition of amount of the insurance premium subject to payment under the insurance contract the Insurer has the right to apply the insurance tariffs developed by him determining the premium charged from a unit of insurance sum, in view of object of insurance and character of insurance risk (Appendix 2 to the present Rules).
7.3. The insurance premium is subject to payment lump sum at conclusion of the insurance contract if other order and terms of payment of the insurance premium are not stipulated in the insurance contract.
7.4. Payment of the insurance premium is made in cash or non-cash.
At payment of the insurance premium non-cash the day of payment is considered to be the day of receipt of money into the settlement account of the Insurer. At payment of the insurance premium cash the day of payment of the insurance premium is considered to be the day of payment of the insurance premium in the cash office of the Insurer or his representative.
8.1. The insurance contract as a rule is concluded for one year or for the term of stay of the Insured outside his permanent address.
8.2. If the insurance contract for one year stipulates repeated trips of the Insured abroad the covering extends for the first 91 day of each trip unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract.
8.3. The Insurant represents the Application for the conclusion of the insurance contract to the Insurer in oral or written form. The Application form of the set form is used in writing. The form of the Application is determined by the Insurer in each exact case.
At collective insurance the list of the Insured is enclosed to the Application.
8.4. The insurance contract inures from the moment of payment of the insurance premium by the Insurant (at payment of the insurance premium in form of lump sum) /first insurance payment (at payment of the insurance premium by installments) if other is not stipulated by the contract.
8.5. The fact of conclusion of the insurance is proved by the insurance policy given out by the Insurer to the Insurant in day of receipt of the insurance premium/first insurance payment in cash office or into the settlement account of the Insurer.
8.6. At conclusion of the insurance contract the Insured releases doctors from obligations of confidentiality to the Insurer regarding insurance case.
8.7. If by the moment of termination of validity of the insurance contract return of the Insured from the insured place of temporal stay is impossible due to hospitalization caused by an insurance case that is proved by corresponding medical conclusion, the Insurer carries out duties connected with the given insurance case within 4 weeks starting from the date specified in the policy as a completion date of the insurance contract.
8.8. The insurance contract is ceased in cases:
- Expiry of the term of action;
- After return of the Insured (mark of border services in the foreign passport about border crossing), but not later than 24.00 hours of dates of termination of insurance specified in the insurance policy (or identification card);
- In case of execution by the Insurer of obligations under the contract in full;
- The Insurant's failure to pay the insurance premium in the terms set by the contract;
- Death of the Insurant being the physical person or liquidation of the Insurant being the legal person;
- Liquidations of the Insurer in order approved by legislation of the Russian Federation;
- In other cases stipulated by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.9. The insurance contract terminates before term if after its coming into force the opportunity of approach of an insurance case disappeared and chance of insurance risk ceased to be from circumstances other than insurance case. At preschedule termination of the insurance contract in circumstances other than the insurance case the Insurer has the right on part of the insurance premium proportionally to the time of insurance minus charges on conducting of business according to structure of the tariff rate. The premium subject to compensation is returned during term of the insurance specified in the contract but no more than 10 working days starting the date of signing of written agreement on preschedule cancellation of the contract (policy) of insurance.
8.10. The insurant has the right to reject the insurance contract at any time if by the moment of refusal the opportunity of approach of insurance case did not disappear in circumstances other than insurance case.
At the Insurant's preschedule refusal of the insurance contract the insurance premium paid to the Insurer is not subject to return if the reason of refusal is not fault actions of the Insurer.
8.11. The insurance premium is not returned in case of failure of the Insured to depart to the country specified in the insurance contract at presence of the latter's applicable visa for a trip and if the Insured declares his failure to depart after expiry of term of insurance specified in the insurance contract.
9.1. The insurer has the right:
9.1.1. To check the information provided by the Insurant and performance of provisions of the insurance contract;
9.1.2. To terminate the insurance contract immediately and unilaterally or to demand surcharge of the insurance premium at change of initial characteristics of the insured object specified in the insurance application;
9.1.3. To demand from the Insurant the documents certifying approach of insurance case and confirming amount of payable insurance compensation;
9.1.4. To direct inquiries to competent bodies concerning issues related to investigation of the reasons and definition of amount of caused loss;
9.1.5. To find out independently reasons and circumstances of insurance case, amount of loss;
9.1.6. To inspect the given documents;
9.1.7. To request data from organizations having information on circumstances of insurance case;
9.1.8. To carry out physical examination of the Insured by the doctor of the Insurer;
9.1.9. In case if competent bodies have materials giving the Insurer the basis to reject in payment of insurance compensation to delay payment before reveal of all circumstances;
9.1.10. To make payment of insurance compensation without documents of the competent bodies confirming the fact of approach of insurance case if amount of damage does not exceed 5% (five percent) of the insurance sum (corresponding limit of compensation);
9.1.11. To present claims by subrogation to the persons responsible for caused damage within the limits of sums of paid insurance compensation;
9.1.12. To delay drawing of the insurance act and payment of insurance compensation in case if:
- There was independent expert appraisal of reasons and circumstances of approach of an insurance case and amount of damage. The delay takes place till the moment of termination of examination and drawing of corresponding document;
- There is a proceeding concerning an insurance case. The delay can take place till the moment of the enforcement of the judicial act at absence of appeal. In case of appeal the delay takes place till the moment of acceptance of judicial act not subject to appeal.
9.1.13. To demand from the Beneficiary (the Insured) performance of duties under the insurance contract including duties laying of the Insurant but not executed by him at the Beneficiary's (the Insured's) requirement for payment of insurance compensation. The risk of consequences of default or untimely performance of obligations which should be executed earlier is born by the Beneficiary (the Insured);
9.1.14. To subtract from the sum of reimbursement of the Insured cost of unused travel papers, not transferred to the Insurer at approach of events specified in cl., of the present Rules.
9.1.15. To take such measures as he considers necessary for reduction of losses, to incur under written order of the Insurant (the Beneficiary) protection of his rights and to manage all cases on settlement of losses;
9.1.16. To demand recognition of the contract void if after conclusion of the insurance contract it will be revealed that the Insurant provided the Insurer with obviously false data on the circumstances known to him with essential value for definition of probability of insurance case approach and amount of possible losses from this approach. Essential circumstances are definitely stipulated by the Insurer in the standard form of the insurance contract (insurance policy) or in his letter of enquiry;
9.1.17. Within the limits of contract obligations to change the amount of insurance premium because of increasing charges on treatment if since the enforcement of the insurance contract cost of medical services increased in general more than on 10%;
9.1.18. To demand transfer of claims within the limits of cover of medical charges if the Insurant (the Insured) has claims to the third party on compensation of harm to his health and these claims are not related to legal aspect of insurance;
9.1.19. To be released from obligations on payment of insurance coverage as far as the Insurant could receive indemnification from claims to the third parties if the Insurant (the Insured) refuses from such claims without consent of the Insurer;
9.1.20. To reject insurance payment if the Insurant (the Insured) or his representative
- Failed to inform the Service company about an insurance case in due time;
- Failed to provide all necessary documents for decision on payment of insurance compensation;
- Failed to inform the Insurer all data important for estimation of degree of risk;
- If the insurance case occurred by fault of the employer;
- If the insurance case occurred at performance by the Insurant (of the Insured) any kind of works which were not stipulated in his labor contract;
- If the Insurant (the Insured) informed the Insurer obviously false data about his health (or about health of the Insured) and/or on volume and cost of rendered medical services, other information necessary for conclusion of the insurance contract.
9.2. The insurer is obliged:
9.2.1. To acquaint the Insurant with the present Rules of insurance;
9.2.2. To give out an insurance policy to the Insurant with enclosure of the present Rules in term set by the insurance contract;
9.2.3. To make payment of insurance compensation in cases recognized as insurance ones by the Insurer in terms stipulated by the insurance contract;
9.2.4. To notify the Insurant on refusal in payment of insurance compensation in time stipulated by the insurance contract in writing with substantiation of refusal reasons;
9.2.5. At drawing of the insurance contract to formulate precise and unequivocal for interpretation positions;
9.2.6. To not disclose data about the Insurant and his property status except for cases stipulated by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.3. The insurant has the right:
9.3.1. To get acquaint with the present Rules;
9.3.2. To choose insurance risks at his desire;
9.3.3. During action of the insurance contract to change the Beneficiary named in the insurance contract by other person with written notification to the Insurer, except cases when the Beneficiary declared in the insurance contract executed any duty under the insurance contract or made a demand about payment of insurance compensation to the Insurer;
9.3.4. To receive duplicate of an insurance policy in case of its loss (copy of insurance policy certified by the Insurer);
9.3.5. To terminate the insurance contract according to the present Rules and the legislation of the Russian Federation;
9.3.6. To receive information about the Insurer according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
9.3.7. On reception of insurance compensation at approach of an insurance case according to provisions of the insurance contract and the present Rules
9.3.8. To demand carrying out of independent expert appraisal for more exact investigation of reasons of insurance case and amount of occurred losses. The independent expert appraisal is made by the expert (commission of experts) appointed as agreed by the parties. Examination is made at charge of the party which demanded it. In case if results of examination verify that the Insurer's refusal of payment of compensation was not proved the Insurer takes up a share of charges of examination corresponding to parity of the sum, payment of which was originally rejected and the sum of compensation paid after the examination. If the Insurant demanded the examination, charges on it are born by the Insurant if the cases were recognized not insurance.
9.4. The insurant is obliged:
9.4.1. At conclusion of the insurance contract to inform the Insurer all circumstances known to him, important for definition of probability of insurance case and amount of possible losses from its approach if these circumstances are unknown and should not be known to the Insurer, and about all applicable and concluded insurance contracts concerning the property insured by the Insurer. Essential circumstances are at least those stipulated in the insurance application. Data and circumstances concerning definition of degree of risk can be also deemed essential if the Insurer proves that with knowledge of such data and/or circumstances he would had never accepted the given insurance risk or would had accepted it on other conditions;
9.4.2. To give the Insurer at his inquiry the information and documents necessary for estimation of risk;
9.4.3. To inform the Insurer immediately during action of the insurance contract about all essential changes in the risk taken for insurance;
9.4.4. To pay the insurance premium (insurance payments) in due time at the rate and in terms stipulated in the insurance contract (policy);
9.4.5. To carry out rules and norms of fire-prevention safety, protection of premises and values, safety of work or other similar norms set by the legislation or other regulations.
10.1. Losses are understood as
10.1.1. Losses connected with occurrence of contingencies of the Insurant (of the Insured);
10.1.2. Losses connected with occurrence of charges due to cancellation of a trip of the Insurant or change of terms of his stay;
10.1.3. Losses connected with occurrence of obligations of the Insurant (the Insured) due to cause of harm to life, health and/or property of the third parties;
10.1.4. Losses which resulted in destruction, loss, damage of luggage of the Insurant (the Insured).
10.2. Amount of loss caused to the Insurant and insurance payment are determined by the Insurer on the basis of documents received from law enforcement and control bodies (fire, emergency and other services), over economic and accounting materials and calculations, registration documents, invoices and receipts, conclusions and calculations of legal, consulting and other specialized companies (in case they have a state license), and regarding insurance of risk of a civil liability under obligations due to harm of life, health and/or property of the third parties -on the basis of valid court decision.
10.3. If necessary the Insurer has the right to request the data connected with an insurance case at law enforcement bodies, medical institutions, other enterprises, establishments and organizations having information on circumstances of an insurance case, and has the right to find out causes and circumstances of an insurance case independently.
10.4. Amount of insurance payment is set in view of type and amount of franchise stipulated by the insurance contract. At establishment of conditional franchise in the insurance contract (policy) the Insurer is exempted from responsibility for loss if its amount does not exceed amount of franchise and loss is subject to full compensation if its amount exceeds amount of franchise. At establishment of unconditional franchise in the insurance contract (policy) the responsibility of the Insurer is determined by amount of loss minus franchise. The franchise is determined by agreement of parties at conclusion of the insurance contract in percentage to the insurance sum or in absolute amount.
10.5. The reimbursement is made by payment of services and (or) charges rendered and (or) suffered due to approach of an insurance case directly by the Insurant (the Insured) or the Service company carrying out duties of emergency commissioner and paid these charges on place at absence of doubt about of fact of insurance case, and at absence of doubt of fact of the Insurant's right to reception of insurance compensation and the Insurer's obligation to compensate it, causal relationship between an insurance case and the followed damage. Thus payment to the Insurant (the Insured) is made only in event if he set the charges with the Insurer or his representative (the Service company), however in cases with threat to life of the Insured, the charges suffered by the Insurant (the Insured) on out-patient or hospitalization treatment without coordination with the Insurer or his representative (the Service company) are compensated in the Russian rubles within the limits of the sum equivalent to 200 US dollars at granting of all necessary documents connected with approach of an insurance case within 30 calendar days from the moment of return of the Insurant (the Insured) from travel or business trip.
10.6. In case of disputes between the Parties about reasons and amount of damage each of the Parties has the right to demand carrying out of expert appraisal. The independent expert appraisal is made at charge of the party which demanded it. In case if results of examination verify that the Insurer's refusal of payment of compensation was not proved the Insurer takes up a share of charges of examination corresponding to parity of the sum, payment of which was originally rejected and the sum of compensation paid after the examination. If the Insurant demanded the examination, charges on it are born by the Insurant if the cases were recognized not insurance.
10.7. The Insurer has the right to delay payment of insurance compensation in case of:
- Occurrence of disputes in competency of the Insurant on reception of insurance compensation until presentation of necessary proofs;
- If by facts connected with approach of an insurance case corresponding law-enforcement bodies caused criminal case, proceeding, litigation or administrative investigation against the Insurant or his authorized persons or investigation of circumstances that caused loss -till the moment of end of investigation (process) or proceeding and finding the Insurant innocent.
10.8. At approach of event which under provisions of the insurance contract can be recognized as an insurance case on insurance of contingencies:
10.8.1. The Insured should immediately at the first opportunity if other is not specified in the insurance contract address in the Service company or the specialized service center of the Insurer by phone specified in the insurance contract and to inform the dispatcher about the accident, giving the data of insurance documents. Charges on negotiations with the Service company or the specialized service center are compensated by the Insured at presentation of confirming documents if it is stipulated by the insurance contract.
10.8.2. After reception of information the Insurer or the Service company (specialized service center) organizes rendering of the necessary medical, medical and transport and other services the Insured stipulated by the insurance contract and pays charges of the Insured according to the insurance contract.
10.8.3. In case of impossibility to call the Service company before consultation with the doctor or send in a clinic the Insured should make it as soon as possible if the insurance contract does not stipulate obligatory notification of the Service company. In any case at hospitalization or the calling to a doctor the Insured should present the insurance contract to the medical personnel for further coordination of actions with the Insurer by means of Service company.
10.8.4. At impossibility to contact the representative of the Insurer or the Service company (specialized service center) the Insured can independently address the nearest medical institution and present the policy, if the insurance contract does not stipulate obligatory notification of the Service company (specialized service center). In case if the Insured independently incurred charges connected with an insurance case, he should at return from the trip in terms stipulated by the insurances contract to notify the Insurer in writing about the accident and to present the following documents: Application for reimbursement connected with an insurance case with substantiation of the reasons of failure to address the Service company (specialized service center) for rendering of necessary medical aid; The insurance contract or its copy; Original of invoice from a medical institution (on company paper or with corresponding stamp) with indication of surname of the patient, diagnosis, date of reference for medical aid, durations of treatment with list of rendered services with breakdown by dates and cost, with total amount to payment; Originals of recipes prescribed by the doctor for the disease with a stamp of a drugstore and indication of cost of each received medicine; Original of direction on laboratory researches given by the doctor and invoice of laboratory with breakdown by dates, names and cost of rendered services; Documents confirming the fact of payment for treatment, medicines and other services (stamp about payment, voucher for money or bank confirmation on transfer of sum).
All documents in foreign language transferred at the Insurer address should be translated in Russian and notary certified, unless other is stipulated in the insurance contract.
10.8.5. The Insurer accepts only paid invoices for reimbursement of on out-patient treatment. At presentation of unpaid invoices the Insured is obliged to give written explanations. Unpaid invoices received by the Insured by mail should be given to the Insurer within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the moment of reception. The Insurer reserves the right to reject the insurance payment if the insurance contract stipulates obligatory addressing in the Service company.
10.8.6. Application and the documents specified in cl.10.8.4. should be given to the Insurer within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of return of the Insured from a trip during which there was an insurance case (with enclosure of translation of originals of the documents in languages other than Russian).
10.8.7. Insurance payment in the form of compensation of charges born of the Insured is made by the Insurer after reception of all requested documents and their notary certified translations, if necessary, during term set by the insurance contract, but no more than 10 working days.
10.9. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of losses of the forced refusal from a trip:
10.9.1. The Insured it is obliged to declare approach of an insurance case to the Insurer in writing immediately. The Application should specify character and circumstances of an insurance case, the intermediary formed tourist group, date of its departure.
10.9.2. The following documents should be enclosed to the Application (and translations of originals of the documents made in languages others than Russian): Original of the contract on grant of tourist services and the documents confirming payment of tourist trip; Documents confirming return of part of payment for contract on grant of tourist services by the travel agency to the Insurant (the Insured) (accounting of return and the cash warrant); Documents of the transport company, consulate, hotel and other organizations which services the Insured used for organization of a trip abroad, confirming the losses connected with cancellation of travel papers, refusal of booked room in a hotel, etc.; Documents and the data necessary for establishment of character of an insurance case, namely:
- At impossibility to make a trip due to illness, traumas or death of the Insured or his close relatives certificate of the medical institution, notary certified copy of death certificate, documents confirming related connection of the Insured and the close relative;
- At impossibility to make a trip due to damage or destructions of the property belonging to the Insured- reports of militia or corresponding administrative services confirming fact of damage;
- At impossibility to make a trip due to proceeding - judicially certified summon;
- At impossibility to make a trip due to call in a military registration office - the summon certified in the military registration office;
- At refusal in reception of a entry visa - official refusal of consular service of embassy (if provided) and original of the foreign passport. At preschedule return of the Insured from travel according to cl.3.2.2. i) it is necessary to provide: tickets and documents confirming their cost or documents confirming cost of renewals of travel papers; the document confirming cost of urgent single message; document confirming cost of unused part of hotel accommodation. In result of delay of return of the Insured from travel according to cl.3.2.2.j) it is necessary to provide: tickets and documents confirming their cost or documents confirming cost of renewals of travel papers; document confirming cost of urgent single message; document confirming cost of additional hotel accommodation.
10.9.3. Insurance payment in the form of compensation of charges born of the Insured is made by the Insurer after reception of all requested documents and their notary certified translations, if necessary, during term set by the insurance contract, but no more than 10 working days.
10.10. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of civil liability of the Insured:
10.10.1. Insurance compensation is paid to the third party who suffered property and/or physical harm in result of actions of the Insured on the basis of court judgment.
10.10.2. The sum of insurance compensation on the given risk includes: In case property damage to the physical or legal person:
- Direct valid damage caused by destruction or damage of property which is determined, at full destruction of property -at the rate of its valid cost minus deterioration; at partial damage -at the rate of necessary charges on its bringing in condition which it gas before the insurance case; In case of harm to health or death of a physical person:
- Charges necessary for recovery of health (health services, sanatorium treatment, extraneous care, prosthetics, transport charges, etc.) provided that such charges has in direct relation with the occurred event;
- Charges on compensation of part of earnings which his dependent persons lose in case of death of the suffered;
- Charges on burial;
10.10.3. Besides the sum of insurance compensation on the given risk includes:
- Necessary and expedient charges on rescue of life and property of persons harmed in result of an insurance case, or reduction of damage caused by an insurance case;
- Expedient charges on preliminary investigation of circumstances and degree of guilt of the Insurant;
- Charges on proceeding in judicial bodies in prospective insurance cases.
10.11. At approach of an insurance case on insurance of luggage:
10.11.1. The insurant should address the authorized bodies (representatives of hotel administration, transport organization, local law enforcement bodies) at place of incident for reception of documents fixing the fact of loss or damage of luggage (for example the commercial act made by the representative of a carrier). Refusal of the specified bodies to make the corresponding documents also should be issued in written form.
10.11.2. Application and documents on reception of insurance compensation should be given to the Insurer within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of return the Insurant from a trip during which there was an insurance case. The application should specify type and circumstances of an insurance case, the organization which formed tourist group, date of trip start, list of lost or damaged things. The Application should enclose checks, receipts, labels etc. for the lost or damaged things. The Application should enclose documents specified in cl.10.11.1. (with enclosure of notary certified translations of originals of the documents made in languages others than Russian) and an insurance policy.
10.11.3. Insurance compensation is paid: At the full destruction, full or partial loss of luggage -at the rate of its valid cost minus residual cost of the damaged luggage but no more than the insurance sum; At partial damage of luggage - at the rate of charges on repair.
10.11.4. The full destruction of luggage takes place if charges on repair with residual cost do not exceed the valid cost of the intact luggage.
10.11.5. Amount of damage is determined by each object separately. The total sum of payments cannot exceed the insurance sum set in the insurance contract.
10.11.6. If the stolen (disappeared) thing was returned to the Insurant he is obliged to return the Insurer the received insurance compensation minus charges on repair or ordering of the returned thing due to the insurance case, not later than 15 (fifteen) calendar days after return of the stolen (disappeared) thing to him.
10.11.7. If the Insurant received compensation for the lost or damaged luggage or part of it from the third parties the Insurer pays only a difference between the sum which is subject to payment under the insurance contract and the sum received from the third parties. The Insurant is obliged to inform the Insurer on reception of such sums immediately.
10.11.8. In case if the lost or damaged luggage was transferred to a carrier as a luggage or was at the passenger (hand luggage) insurance payment is made in addition to the payments of a carrier made by him according to transportation conditions and only after reception of such payments by the Insurant (the Beneficiary).
10.11.9. At loss (theft) of separate objects which are part of complete set, pack etc., the sum of damage is determined as a difference between cost of the given complete set, pack etc. and cost of remained objects.
10.11.10. Insurance payment is made lump sum during the term specified in the insurance contract, but no more than 10 working days from the moment of end of the Insurer's investigation of all circumstances of an insurance case and decision on payment of insurance compensation.
11.1. All disputes and disagreements which arise between the Parties of the insurance contract are resolved within 15 (fifteen) days from the moment of reception of the written claim.
11.2. In case if the Parties fail to reach the agreement all disputes are transferred into the general jurisdiction court at location of the respondent (for the Insurant being the physical person) / arbitration court at location of the respondent (for the Insurant being the legal person).